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At the Centre for Social Research, our dedicated team has painstakingly developed a diverse array of modules and training programs. These valuable resources are thoughtfully designed to provide all-encompassing guidance and unwavering support to stakeholders, addressing a wide spectrum of concerns including Safety, Security, and Empowerment.
Gender Sensitization Training With a legacy dating back to the 1990s, CSR's Gender Training Institute holds extensive expertise in providing gender training to corporate, development, and public sectors. Our training programs are designed to foster inclusivity and empowerment within your organizations, driving positive transformation.
POSH Trainings The objective of the 'Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women' training is to establish workplaces that are safer and more attuned to gender sensitivity, ensuring a conducive environment for women.
For School Children In light of children's increasing online presence, it has become evident that they are susceptible to individuals who exploit the internet for inappropriate conduct. With this awareness, we have organized Digital Safety Workshops. These workshops are designed to highlight the online risks children encounter and equip them with the means to navigate the digital space responsibly and empathetically.
For Youth Centre for Social Research conducts Digital Citizenship & Civic Participation for Gender Equality Workshops for the youth across India. Through the training, we seek to empower young women and men in their engagement in the civic dialogue on social media and also influence policy development on issues of gender equality on digital platforms.
For Parents, Teachers & Guardians In response to the need for parents, teachers, and guardians to play a supportive and empathetic role in the lives of their children, who are growing up in a rapidly expanding digital landscape, CSR India has developed a comprehensive module. This module aims to provide guidance and resources to assist these stakeholders in navigating their roles effectively.
For Women Based on our decades-long experience of working for women's empowerment, and with our vast experience of digital safety and online well-being initiatives, team CSR has built its own, unique Women’s Online Safety & Inclusivity Training module. This module is utilized in conducting specialized training for women, in the communities we work with.