Women's access to Public Healthcare facilities- IMA Webinar
Several Reports suggested that Covid-19 is making it hard for Women’s Access to Healthcare Facilities. Women are also at the greater risk of domestic violence and sexual harassment and disruption of their healthcare services as well. Centre for Social Research Conducted a Webinar on “Women’s Access to Public Healthcare Facilities” on 14th December, 2020. The webinar included the imminent panellists Dr. K.K Agarwal, Former National President, IMA, Dr. N.V Kamat, Principal Advisor, Dr. V.K Monga, Chairman, Hospital Board of India, IMA, Dr. Ranjana Kumari, Director, CSR and Dr. Manasi Mishra, HOD, Research, Knowledge and Management Division
Digital Well-Being and Students in the era of Covid-19
An important online discussion on Digital Well-being & Students in the era of COVID-19 in collaboration with Global Shapers and Health Set Go.
Students increasingly find themselves making efforts to navigate their way through the online world, more so currently because of the lock-down. They are faced with numerous challenges from limited access, ignorance about safety and security tools available, to vulnerability to abusers/predators online which often results in negative effects on their well-being.
As parents or teachers in the well-being of our children's lives, we need to step up and increase our efforts to make the online spaces accessible & safe.
Discussion on Sexual Harassment at Workplace: Challenges during Lockdown
Working from home is a new normal for everyone amidst the current lockdown; however we also need to shed light on virtual workplace conduct and safety. Therefore, on International Labour’s Day, Centre for Social Research (CSR) conducted a Webinar on “Sexual Harassment at Workplace: Challenges in Lockdown”
In working towards the aim to achieve gender justice in all spheres, the Centre for Social Research pays special focus on the area of Climate Change and Environment. To enter into the discourse of climate change through the vantage point of gendered development, CSR seeks to present women as stakeholders, decision makers, educators, and experts in the area. Once women’s roles are acknowledged in the discussions about climate change, it paves way for a gendered approach to development.
“Ms. Lora Prabhu talks about addressing the elephant in the room and questioning gender roles, aspirations, structures that discrimate on the basis of your biological sex.”
“Mr. Adab Singh Kapoor on how important it is to sensitise men and ensure their participation to stop violence against women as well.”
Development & Employment opportunities post COVID-19
Centre for Social Research (CSR) conducted a Webinar on “Discussion on Skill Development and Employment opportunities Post Covid-19” on 18th June 2020. The conversation was on the dynamics of the Skill Development as a recovery mechanism. Our Experts panelists discussed the importance of Skill based training for the youth to secure and strengthen the future of the Indian Economy.