It is the year 2021 and we are still battling the evil of violence against women, and we are getting impatient for it to END NOW!! We are eager for the chafing of this problem against the very fabric of women’s empowerment, advancement and progress, to cease, once and for all .
According to the latest estimates, nearly 1 in 3 women aged 1 5 years and older, around the world have been subjected to physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner, non- partner or both, at least once in their lifetime, indicating that levels of VAWG have remained largely unchanged over the last decade. These numbers do not reflect the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and would be even higher if they included the full continuum of violence that affect women and girls including sexual harassment, violence in digital contexts, harmful practices and sexual exploitation. (UN Women)
We at the Centre for Social Research, for our campaign #EndViolenceAgainstWomenNOW from the 25th November to 10th of December, want to bring to the fore the challenges that women face in their daily lives due to the threat of violence, and also let them be the ones to raise their voice and give concrete recommendations on how these threats can be dealt with in the best way.
And for the second part, we would ask women to give us suggestions/recommendations on how they see the issues dissipating, because solutions coming from the ground, by actual women going through the obstacles will give us an insight into what would actually work. We would be creating content with the support of counselors, lawyers, human rights activists, healthcare specialists, government consultants etc. on their perspective to the problem and their inputs on the solution.
Our social media campaign will employ all available handles for this and reach out to close to 1 million followers directly and many many more indirectly. For this purpose we have carefully devised a plan for UN’s 16 days of activism to join and support the cause of this year’s theme “Orange the World: END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN NOW!“, and affect substantial positive change. And we invite you to support us, because your voice matters, and we urge you to use it and join our struggle!